Affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore.      Approved by AICTE.      Included under 2(f) and 12(b) sections of UGC Act.      Accreditated with 'B' Grade by NAAC.


Academic Calender of 2022-23
Supporting Documents
=> Stakeholders Feedback Report
=> 3.4.3 Research Paper/CARE Journals on UGC
=> Students Feedback Report
=> Infrastructure - Physics Department
=> 4.1.3 ICT and WIFI
=> 4.1.3 General Time Table
=> 4.2.3 Digital Library User's Register
=> 5.1.3 Development and Skill Enhancement
=> 6.3.4 Faculty Development Programmes
=> 7.2.1 Institutional Best Practicies
=> 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness & Furutre Plans of Actions
=> Action Taken - Reports
=> Student Satisfaction Survey
=> 7.1.10 Code of Conduct


Academic Calender of 2022-23
Supporting Documents
=> Stakeholders Feedback Report
=> Students Feedback Report
=> Infrastructure - Physics Department
=> 4.1.3 ICT and WIFI
=> 4.1.3 General Time Table
=> 4.2.3 Digital Library User's Register
=> 5.1.3 Development and Skill Enhancement
=> 6.3.4 Faculty Development Programmes
=> 7.2.1 Institutional Best Practicies
=> 7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness & Furutre Plans of Actions
=> Action Taken - Reports
=> Student Satisfaction Survey
=> 7.1.10 Code of Conduct


AQAR for 2021-22
Academic Calender of 2021-22
Minutes of Meeting 2020-21
Scholarship Details 2020-21
Supporting Documents
=> Annual Report
=> Study Materials
=> Syllabus for a New Course
=> Students Projects
=> Action Taken - Reports
=> Stakeholders Feedback Report
=> Time Table
=> ICT and WIFI
=> Code of Conduct
=> Programme Outcomes
=> Institutional Best Practicies
=> Institutional Distinctiveness & Furutre Plans of Actions
=> Student Satisfaction Survey
=> Composition of IQAC 2020-2021


AQAR for 2020-21
Academic Calender of 2020-21
Minutes of Meeting 2020-21
Scholarship Details 2020-21
Supporting Documents
=> Annual Report
=> Study Materials
=> Syllabus Focus on Employability
=> Students Projects
=> Action Taken - Reports
=> Feedback
=> Time Table
=> ICT and WIFI
=> Code of Conduct
=> Programme Outcomes
=> Institutional Best Practicies
=> Institutional Distinctiveness & Furutre Plans of Actions
=> Student Satisfaction Survey
=> Composition of IQAC 2020-2021


AQAR for 2019-20
Academic Calender of 2019-20
Minutes of Meeting 2019-20
Supporting Documents
=> Programme Outcomes
=> Institutional Best Practicies
=> Institutional Distinctiveness & Furutre Plans of Actions
=> Student Satisfaction Survey


AQAR for 2018-19
Academic Calender of 2018-19
Minutes of Meeting 2018-19
Supporting Documents
=> Programme Outcomes
=> Institutional Best Practicies
=> Institutional Distinctiveness & Furutre Plans of Actions
=> Student Satisfaction Survey


AQAR for 2017-18
Academic Calender of 2017-18
Supporting Documents
=> Programme Outcomes
=> Procedures and Policies for maintaining and utilizing facilities
=> Institutional Best Practicies
=> Institutional Distinctiveness & Furutre Plans of Actions
=> Student Satisfaction Survey


AQAR for 2016-17